Detection and Response

The Challenge: Understanding risk factors, ensuring consistent monitoring, and promptly detecting and mitigating threats are crucial to avoid exposing the organization to potential security breaches. Delayed reactions can lead to prolonged risk, increased damage, and higher costs.

Whether it's detecting unusual behaviors, such as accessing a resource for the first time, or identifying blatant red flags, like a first-seen location access origin, detection and response mechanisms must be agile, adaptive, and incisive.

The Clutch Solution:

Non-Human Identity Security Inspired by Incident Response: Adopting the Assume Breach Mindset

  • Prepare

    Integrate IR strategies by collecting telemetry, logs, and configurations for later analysis

  • Detect

    Alert on suspicious behavior with comprehensive out-of-the-box detection rules

  • Respond

    Contain and resolve threats in minutes with built-in response functionality

Clutch facilitates swift detection of NHI-related threats, leveraging its inherent expertise and understanding of various threat vectors, from insider threats to complex supply chain compromises.

  • Robust Detection

    The platform detects anomalies and abnormal behaviors among NHIs in real-time, focusing on their usage, including privileges, scopes, and entitlements. It alerts security teams on unauthorized use or attempts to use unassigned privileges, resulting in denied actions.

  • Rapid Response

    Clutch enables swift investigation capabilities and incident response, assembling relevant stakeholders and guiding the mitigation process to minimize impact. From rapid credential revocation to intricate workflows for non-standard environment alerts, the breadth of Clutch’s response capabilities covers various scenarios.

With Clutch, the Non-Human Identity landscape is not only compliant but also configured to the highest security standards, minimizing exposure to risks and fortifying defenses.

See Clutch in Action