Security Teams Shouldn’t Be Dependent on Other Teams

Security teams shouldn’t be dependent on other teams. Discover how automation and Zero Trust help reduce reliance on others and speed up response times.

The Challenge

  • Security teams often depend on other departments (IT & Engineering) to implement security controls
  • This dependency stalls incident response and weakens risk management efforts
  • Relying on other teams can slow security measures, creating gaps in protection.

The Clutch Approach:
Empower Security Teams to Act Independently

Clutch enable security teams to implement and manage controls and without relying on other departments, by adopting a Zero Trust approach and embrace ephemeral identities. It enables to efficiently elevating security posture while streamlining security operations and reduce operational overhead.

  • Independent Action

    Clutch enables security teams to implement controls independently, reducing friction and reliance on other teams

  • Streamlined Operations

    Clutch elevates operational efficiency with pre-built automated workflows that accelerate response times and minimize delays

  • Direct Control

    Security teams can directly implement, monitor, and manage controls, reducing bottlenecks and improving overall security